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ShowBusiness: The Road to Broadway est un film de genre Documentaire avec Alan Cumming

ShowBusiness: The Road to Broadway (2007)

ShowBusiness: The Road to Broadway
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Durée 1h42
Note77% 3.863693.863693.863693.863693.86369

ShowBusiness: The Road to Broadway is an American documentary film, the first feature film directed by Dori Berinstein, a Broadway Producer, Writer and Filmmaker. Berinstein completed the film in 2005. The film premiered at the 2005 Tribeca Film Festival. The film was named one of the top 5 films of 2006 by the IDA (International Documentary Association) and received the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at the 2006 Florida Film Festival. The film was released commercially in 2007, with the first such showings on 11 May 2007 in New York City.

Berinstein filmed each principal musical on Broadway for her project during the 2003-2004 season, for about 600 hours of initial film footage. She focused the film on four musicals, through the difficulties of pre-production, their openings, attendant publicity around the shows, and their reviews, through the 2004 Tony Award competition. The four musicals, three of which were nominated for Best Musical in the Tony Awards that season, were:

Caroline, or Change
Avenue Q
The film climaxes with the 2004 Tony Awards ceremony. In addition to coverage of the musicals themselves, the movie includes interviews with New York theatre critics, and footage of several theatre critics discussing in a restaurant the various musicals and their predictions for the Tony Award winners.

Theatre critic Michael Riedel received harsh criticism from actors and songwriters who were subjects of the film, after seeing his comments in the film.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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