Chelsea on the Rocks is a documentary film directed by Abel Ferrara about the Hotel Chelsea. It premiered out of competition at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival. The film features Ferrara interviewing people who have and had lived at the hotel and intercutting that dramatized footage of some famous events that took place there. During the film's interviews and docudrama Gaby Hoffmann, Dennis Hopper, Robert Crumb, Adam Goldberg and Bijou Phillips make appearances.Synopsis
Abel Ferrara rend hommage au Chelsea Hotel de New York, nous emmène dans un fascinant voyage au coeur d'un lieu légendaire qui abrita des personnalités hors du commun telles que Patti Smith, Bob Dylan, Andy Warhol, Janis Joplin ou encore Stanley Kubrick... Traversant les époques, le réalisateur culte de Bad Lieutenant livre un témoignage passionné, délirant dans les coulisses de ce lieu mythique.