Shut Up and Play the Hits is a 2012 documentary film directed by Dylan Southern and Will Lovelace that follows LCD Soundsystem frontman James Murphy over a 48-hour period, from the day of the band's final gig at Madison Square Garden to the morning after the show. The film also features intermittent segments from an extended interview between Murphy and pop culture writer Chuck Klosterman. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 22, 2012, and was released in the USA for one night only on July 18, 2012. UK showings were held on 4 September 2012.
James Murphy performs a duet with comedian and musician Reggie Watts for one song during the show. Several members of the band Arcade Fire provide backing vocals during a performance of "North American Scum". The film's title is a reference to the moment Win Butler of Arcade Fire shouts "shut up and play the hits" as James introduces the song.
The film also features brief appearances from the Juan MacLean, and David and Stephen Dewaele from the band Soulwax (thereby mirroring James Murphy and Nancy Whang's appearances in the Soulwax film Part of the Weekend Never Dies). Comedian Donald Glover can also be seen dancing in the crowd and making a face for the camera.
The film was released to Blu-ray and DVD on October 9, 2012 in the US and 8 Oct, 2012 in the UK, with a digital release on the band's official Facebook page soon afterwards.
A relatively complete audio recording of this concert was released in April 2014, entitled The Long Goodbye: LCD Soundsystem Live at Madison Square Garden.Synopsis
Le 2 Avril 2011, LCD Soundsystem joue son dernier concert au Madison Square Garden. Retour sur une carrière sans pareil, et sur le portrait intime de James Murphy, à travers les préparatifs de l'événement, et les ramifications personnelles et professionnelles de l'arrêt d'une telle carrière.