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Sidekick est un film canadien de genre Comédie avec Daniel Baldwin

Sidekick (2005)

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Durée 1h27
Genres Comédie,    Fantasy,    Action
Note54% 2.710282.710282.710282.710282.71028

Sidekick is a 2005 Canadian independent film in the comic-book/fantasy genre. Tech support nerd and comic-book fan Norman Neale discovers that suave co-worker Victor Ventura has telekinetic powers. Neale trains Ventura with the intention of creating a super-hero, but Ventura has other uses for his powers in mind.


Norman Neale and his best friend Chuck have an ongoing debate on the subject of "what single superpower would you choose?" Then, one day, Norman notices Victor Ventura, a successful trader at Richmond financial, the company he works for. While the two are both getting coffee, Norman accidentally drops a mug. Victor amazingly catches the mug in midair. Though impressed, Norman dismisses it as good reflexes. Later, Mr. Richmond, company CEO, asks Norman to videotape Victor at the company softball game. He notices that as Victor is about to hit the ball, the video momentarily displays static interference, and begins to suspect Victor has Telekinesis.


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