Space Travelers (スペーストラベラーズ, Supesutoraberaz) is a 2000 Japanese action-comedy-crime film directed by Katsuyuki Motohiro. The film stars Taiwanese-Japanese actor Takeshi Kaneshiro, Eri Fukatsu, Masanobu Ando, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Sawa Suzuki, Masahiro Kômoto, Teruo Takeno, Toshio Kakei and Ken Watanabe. The title of the movie is based on an anime that the character Fujimoto is obsessed with. A full-length straight to video animation film was released in mid-2000 named Space Travelers: The Animation also produced by Fuji Television Network and Robot films, which was both companies were also involved with the production of the live featured film.Synopsis
Trois jeunes hommes, amis d’enfance et sans le sou, vont tenter de dévaliser une banque pour réaliser leurs rêves et partir vivre sur une ile deserte. Une fois dans la banque, tout va aller de travers..