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Supercock est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Gus Trikonis avec Nancy Kwan

Supercock (1975)

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Durée 1h30
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Action,    Policier
Note53% 2.6958252.6958252.6958252.6958252.695825

Supercock (also known as Bet to Kill and A Fistful of Feathers) is a 1975 comedy film directed by Gus Trikonis and starring Ross Hagen, both of whom were involved in the 1969 cult film The Sidehackers. The film also stars '60s sex symbol Nancy Kwan. The plot involves an American cowboy who gets caught up in an illegal cockfighting ring in the Philippines.

Seeing as the original title was rather controversial, the film has been released under several different names, the most notable being A Fistful of Feathers.


Nancy Kwan

(Yuki Chan)
Ross Hagen

(Seth Calhoun)
Charlie Davao

Roderick Paulate

Bande annonce de Supercock

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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, 1h52
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