Surya vs Surya is a Telugu romantic comedy-drama film that stars Nikhil Siddharth and Tridha Choudhary in the lead roles. The film is produced by Malkapuram Shiva under Surakh Entertainments banner and directed by debutant Karthik Ghattamaneni, who previously worked with Nikhil on the super hit film Karthikeya as a cinematographer. It was released on March 5, 2015 and has garnered positive response.Synopsis
The film's story revolves around Surya (Nikhil Siddharth) who suffers from the hereditary disorder Porphyria, that prevents him from going into direct sunlight. He is raised by his widowed mother (Madhoo). He falls in love with a TV anchor (Tridha Choudary). Be that as it may, he doesn't tell her about his medicinal condition, fearing her rejection of him. She feels cheated when she learns of it from his friends. The rest of the story is about how Surya picks up his life after she breaks up with him.