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Swing It, Sailor! est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Raymond Cannon avec Wallace Ford

Swing It, Sailor! (1938)

Swing It, Sailor!
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Durée 57minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Aventure
Note47% 2.3849952.3849952.3849952.3849952.384995

Swing It, Sailor! is a 1938 American film directed by actor/screenwriter Raymond Cannon.


Sailor Husky proposes marriage to every girl, in every port. He can't swim, and is ready to be discharged, from the Navy, but he's always helping his pal Pete. Pete would hate to see Husky leave, as Pete have to do all the work himself. Husky's new girl is Myrtle, who goes through men like Kleenex, trolling for a well-heeled catch. Pete tries to save his friend from her; but, is it only for himself? It looks like they are in for a fight.


Wallace Ford

(Pete Kelly)
Isabel Jewell

(Myrtle Montrose)
Mary Treen

(Gertie Burns)
Cully Richards

(Shamus O'Shea)
Tom Kennedy

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