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Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Jim Henson avec Trudy Young

Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince (1971)

Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince
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Durée 51minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Fantasy,    Musical
Note77% 3.873053.873053.873053.873053.87305

The Frog Prince (released on home video as Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince) is a 1971 special directed by Jim Henson. It is a retelling of the classic fairy tale of The Frog Prince featuring Kermit the Frog as the narrator, Kermit's nephew Robin as the Frog Prince, Sir Robin, and Sweetums, among others. This television special marked the debut of both Robin and Sweetums to the world of The Muppets. Also, a full-bodied version of Taminella Grinderfall from the Tales of the Tinkerdee and The Land of Tinkerdee pilots appeared here alongside a full-bodied variation of King Goshposh called King Rupert the Second.

The Frog Prince is often claimed to be the first time that Kermit was specifically identified as a frog. However, the distinction actually dates back as far as 1968, even before his appearances on Sesame Street.


The special opens with Kermit and several other frogs sitting around a well, when a small frog they do not recognize appears. The frog introduces himself as Sir Robin the Brave, explaining that he is actually a prince. He recounts, in flashback, how he once fought an ogre named Sweetums and was transformed into a frog by Sweetums's master, the villainous witch Taminella Grinderfall. Taminella intended to give Robin to Sweetums as his breakfast, but Robin hopped away before they could catch him. The other frogs laughingly dismiss Robin's story as a fairy tale. Kermit is more sympathetic, though he himself does not fully believe Robin. Robin reveals to Kermit that he cannot swim, and Kermit gives him swimming lessons. Nearby, they hear King Rupert the Second proclaiming that he will step down as king that evening; and his daughter, Princess Melora (who is turning nineteen that day), will be crowned queen. Robin is overjoyed, as he must be kissed by a princess in order to be returned to human form.


Trudy Young

(Princess Melora)
Gordon Thomson

(Sir Robin the Brave)
Carl Banas

(Sweetums (voice))
Jim Henson

(Kermit/Garth/King Rupert (voice))
Jerry Juhl

(Taminella/Kay (voice))
Bande annonce de Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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The Tale of the Bunny Picnic
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, 1h41
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