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Tao hua qi xue ji est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Bu Wancang avec Ruan Lingyu

Tao hua qi xue ji (1931)

Tao hua qi xue ji
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Durée 1h40
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note68% 3.425083.425083.425083.425083.42508

Peach Blossom Weeps Tears of Blood () is a 1931 silent film written and directed by Bu Wancang. The cast included some of the major movie stars of the periods including the Korean born actor Jin Yan and the actresses Ruan Lingyu and Zhou Lili. It is also known by the title, The Peach Girl.

The film was produced by the Lianhua Film Company, and proved an early success for the studio, in no small part due to the on screen combination of Jin and Ruan, the so-called "Valentino" and "Garbo" of Shanghai cinema, and who starred together in several vehicles before Ruan's suicide in 1935.

A print of the film is currently maintained by the China Film Archives.


The film deals with an innocent country girl (Ruan Lingyu), who is corrupted by a landlord's son (Jin Yan).


Ruan Lingyu

(Miss Lim)
Jin Yan

(King Teh-en)
Bande annonce de Tao hua qi xue ji

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Source : Wikidata


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