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大路 est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Sun Yu avec Jin Yan

大路 (1935)

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Durée 1h44
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Guerre,    Comédie,    Musical
Themes Transport,    Politique
Note64% 3.236743.236743.236743.236743.23674

The Big Road (Chinese: 大路; pinyin: Dàlù), also known as The Highway, is a 1934 Chinese film directed by Sun Yu and starring Jin Yan and Li Lili. It is a silent film but with music and sound effects added post-production. The film deals with a group of workers who are constructing a highway for use in the war against the Japanese.

The Big Road features the brief full-frontal nudity of a group of young men skinny-dipping in a river, while being observed by two women, a scene described as "very advanced for the time".

The Big Road was named the 30th greatest Chinese film ever made by the Hong Kong Film Awards in 2004.


Six cheerful young men work hard during the Second Sino-Japanese War constructing a highway which will enable the Chinese army to send men and logistics to the frontline against the Japanese. Deputy Hu, a hanjian, initially tries to bribe them, but later locks them up in a cell when they refuse to halt the construction and flee. Two girls from a local eating house who befriend them manages to rescue them, but one of the six men died in the process. The workers finish the highway on time, but end up sacrificing their lives after being gunned down by Japanese fighter jets once their work is completed.


Jin Yan

(Ge Jin)
Li Lili

Zheng Junli

(Jun Zheng)
Bande annonce de 大路

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Il y a 15 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 5 films avec le même réalisateur, 88753 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques (dont 18 ayant exactement les mêmes 4 genres que 大路), 13459 films qui ont les mêmes thèmes (dont 1225 films qui ont les mêmes 2 thèmes que 大路), pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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