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Tianming est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Sun Yu avec Li Lili

Tianming (1933)

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Durée 1h36
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note66% 3.324093.324093.324093.324093.32409

Daybreak (Chinese: 天明; pinyin: Tiānmíng) is a 1933 Chinese silent film directed by Sun Yu for the Lianhua Film Company. It follows a young girl from a rural fishing village, Ling Ling (played by Li Lili) as she moves to the glittering city of Shanghai. There she is first raped and then forced into prostitution before eventually becoming a martyr for the coming revolution.

The film stars Li Lili, one of the biggest silent film stars of the period.


Ling Ling's rural fishing village has recently been devastated by war. Moving to Shanghai in hope for a better life, she is shown the city's bright lights on the Bund. Eventually she finds a job working at a factory. Things turn dark, however, when Ling Ling is raped by her employer's son. She is then sold into prostitution.


Li Lili

(Лин Лин)
Bande annonce de Tianming

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Source : Wikidata


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