Terror Trap (stylized in some countrys as Vacancy 3), is an American 2010 horror film, written and directed by the controversial Dan Garcia who plead guilty in 2013 to a Motion Picture Tax Scam after orchestrating a scheme to defraud the State of Louisiana’s Motion Picture Industry Development Tax Credit Program. At the time of this update Garcia has not been sentenced. Filming took place in Louisiana. The film stars David James Elliott, Michael Madsen and Jeff Fahey. Movie tagline is "Once you check in, there're no escape...". The film is similar to the 2008 film, Vacancy which also features a couple being terrorized by a motel's owner and his employees while being recorded.Synopsis
Souhaitant profiter du week-end pour s'offrir une escapade en voiture, Don et Nancy vont vivre un véritable calvaire. Leur véhicule tombe en panne aux abords d'une petit ville rurale de Louisiane. Les habitants ne se montrent guère hospitaliers. Ils sont obligés de passer la nuit sur place dans un minable motel de proximité. En pleine nuit, un gang de criminels masqués débarque sur les lieux. Don et Nancy ne peuvent s'enfuir. Ils sont en passe de devenir les prochaines victimes du Terror Trap...