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That Lady from Peking est un film de genre Drame avec Carl Betz

That Lady from Peking (1975)

That Lady from Peking
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Durée 1h26
Genres Drame,    Policier
Note62% 3.1189053.1189053.1189053.1189053.118905

That Lady from Peking is an Australian crime film directed by Eddie Davis and starring Carl Betz, Nancy Kwan and Bobby Rydell. Although shot in 1969 it was not screened commercially until 1975.

It was the last of three films Eddie Davis made in Australia.


A defecting Russian diplomat has arranged to meet with author Max Foster in Hong Kong, promising a diary that will tell the truth about Red China. The diplomat is murdered and Foster tries to find the diary, which takes him to Sydney. Chinese, Russian and American spies take after him.


Carl Betz

(Max Foster)
Nancy Kwan

(Sue Ten Chan)
Sid Melton

(Benny Segal)
Sandy Gore

(Marisa Russo)
Ruth Cracknell

(Fortune Teller)
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