The Adventures of Jane is a 1949 British comedy film directed by Edward G. Whiting. It is the film version of the stage show based on the comic strip 'Jane' originally created by Norman Pett. It was written by Alfred Goulding and Con West. The cast included Chrystabel Leighton-Porter, who played Jane, and Michael Hogarth, who played Tom Hawke. It was filmed in Brighton, East Sussex, England.Synopsis
On the last night of her act at the Gaiety Theatre, Jane meets Snade, her supposed fan. He gives her a diamond bracelet, saying it is a "token of his appreciation." Jane, unsuspecting, gladly accepts his gift. Later that evening, she is visited by Tom, an old friend. She tells him that she is judging a beauty contest at the Tudor Close Hotel in Brighton. He agrees to meet her at the train station.