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The Ancient Highway est un film américain de genre Aventure réalisé par Irvin Willat avec Jack Holt

The Ancient Highway (1925)

The Ancient Highway
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Durée 1h10
Réalisé par
Genres Aventure
Note67% 3.39933.39933.39933.39933.3993

The Ancient Highway is a 1925 American adventure silent film directed by Irvin Willat and written by James Oliver Curwood, James Shelley Hamilton and Eve Unsell. The film stars Jack Holt, Billie Dove, Montagu Love, Stanley Taylor, Lloyd Whitlock and William A. Carroll. The film was released on November 8, 1925, by Paramount Pictures.

The picture is presumed to be a lost.


Jack Holt

(Cliff Brant)
Billie Dove

(Antoinette St. Ives)
Montagu Love

(Ivan Hurd)
Lloyd Whitlock

(John Denis)
William A. Carroll

Marjorie Bonner

(Angel Fanchon)
Bande annonce de The Ancient Highway

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Source : Wikidata


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