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The Auction Block est un film américain réalisé par Laurence Trimble sorti en France le 13 aout 1920 avec Rubye De Remer

The Auction Block (1917)

The Auction Block
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Sortie en France 13 aout 1920
Durée 1h10
Réalisé par

The Auction Block is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Laurence Trimble and starring Rubye De Remer. The film was produced by Rex Beach, upon whose novel, The Auction Block, the film is based. Its survival status is classified as unknown, which suggests that it is a lost film.

The film was remade as a comedy in 1926 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer starring Charles Ray and Eleanor Boardman.


As described in a film magazine, The parents of Lorelei Knight (De Remer) are anxious to make a small fortune off of her beauty. They send her to New York to become a member of a "girl show". Bob Wharton (Powers), the dissolute son of a millionaire, falls in love with the girl. When Lorelei learns that her father is ill and money is needed, she marries Bob although she does not love him. Bob's father (Burton) cuts off his allowance and Bob is forced to go to work. The wholesomeness of Lorelei kindles a desire in Bob to become a better man. He is getting along well when Lorelei's worthless brother leads Bob back to his old life. Lorelei is about to leave him when she is persuaded by Adoree Demorest (Johns), known as the wickedest woman in New York, and Campbell Pope (Joyner), a critic in love with Adoree, to stay. When Bob learns that he is going to be a father, he conquers his desire for drink. With the birth of their son, pleasant relations resume among Bob and Lorelei.


Rubye De Remer

(Lorelei Knight)
Florence Deshon

(Lilas Lynn)
Tom Powers

(Bob Wharton)
George Cooper

(Jimmy Knight)
Alec B. Francis

(John Merkle)
Bande annonce de The Auction Block

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Source : Wikidata


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