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The Bishop of the Ozarks est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Finis Fox avec Fred Kelsey

The Bishop of the Ozarks (1923)

The Bishop of the Ozarks
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Genres Drame

The Bishop of the Ozarks is a 1923 American drama silent film directed by Finis Fox. The film is based on a story by Milford W. Howard, who both produced and starred in the feature. The film was distributed by Film Booking Offices of America, commonly referred to as FBO. The survival status of the film is presumed lost.


Roger Chapman, a wandering minister, his daughter, an infant named Margery, and Simon Gordon, a negro servant, find refuge in a cabin in the Ozark mountains. Tom Sullivan, escaping convict, appears and forces Chapman to exhange clothes with him. Sullivan's pursuers arrive and shoot Chapman in mistake for their quarry. The latter is buried as Sullivan. The ex-convict assumes the name and garb of the parson and in the interior of the hills takes up a pastor's work. With gun and will Sullivan proves to the mountaineers that he is a force to be reckoned with. He is made chaplain of the State Prison. Margery grows to womanhood. She has two suitors, both doctors, Earl Godfrey and Paul Burroughs. The latter is a conscientious physician who devotes much of his labor to aiding the power. Godfrey's goal is money and when his uncle dies and leaves him a fortune he starts on an orgy of spending. Margery yields to Godfrey's evil influence and is lured to the Oriental palace which he hs built. Her father comes to her resuce. When Godfrey later attacks Margery she is saved by Burroughs and weds him. A former prison-keeper arrives and denounces Sullivan as an escaped convict, but the Governor pardons him and all ends well.


Fred Kelsey

(Mart Stoneman)
George Reed

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Source : Wikidata


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