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The Cartoonist: Jeff Smith, BONE and the Changing Face of Comics est un film américain de genre Documentaire avec Scott McCloud

The Cartoonist: Jeff Smith, BONE and the Changing Face of Comics (2009)

The Cartoonist: Jeff Smith, BONE and the Changing Face of Comics
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The Cartoonist: Jeff Smith, Bone and the Changing Face of Comics is a 2009 documentary about the life and art of Jeff Smith, the creator of the Bone comic series and regarded as one of America's greatest living cartoonists. The feature-length film is by American director Ken Mills and was produced by Mills James Productions.

The Cartoonist has been released for international distribution on DVD.


The Cartoonist tells the inspiring story of Jeff Smith's creation of the epic comic book, Bone, hailed by Time magazine as "one of the ten greatest graphic novels of all time."


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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