The Christmas Tree is a 1991 Brazilian-American animated Christmas special directed by Flamarion Ferreira and written by Nels Christianson. This special has been called "the worst Christmas Special of all time", and has been compared to The Room, being dubbed "The Room of Christmas Specials".Synopsis
An orphanage in a small town is run by the cruel Mrs. Malvilda. The seven orphans who live there don't have any new clothes or toys or enough food to eat because whenever the mayor donates money to the orphanage every year before Christmas, Mrs. Malvilda either spends it on herself or gambles it away in poker games. One of the few things the orphans take comfort in is the large pine tree growing outside their home, which they call "Mrs. Hopewell." They believe that Mrs. Hopewell is magical, that it watched over them, and that the tree would one day bring them parents who would adopt them.