The Country Mouse and the City Mouse: A Christmas Tale is an animated TV special from Michael Sporn Productions, which aired in December 1993 as part as the HBO Storybook Musicals series. As the title implies, the story is an adaptation of the Aesop fable that is set around Christmastime.
The special's two characters, Emily and Alexander, were voiced respectively by Crystal Gayle and John Lithgow. These two cousins would appear in the animated series The Country Mouse and the City Mouse Adventures, also on HBO (owned by Time Warner).Synopsis
At a house in the country, a female mouse named Emily, whose existence is known to the two children living there, decides to go into the city to visit her cousin Alexander for Christmas. However, the chef the restaurant Alexander lives in has set a variety of anti-mice precautions, thus scaring the two cousins out of the restaurant. The two mice return to the country house to celebrate Christmas together.