The Hangman is a Bollywood drama film produced by Bipin Patel and directed by Vishal Bhandari. The film stars Om Puri, Shreyas Talpade and Gulshan Grover in lead roles. It was set to be released in English first, in 2005 but it failed. Then it was rescheduled to be released in 2007. This time again, the release met with a failure. Finally enough, it was released worldwide on 5 February 2010. A dubbed in English was also released.Synopsis
The Hangman, starring internationally acclaimed actor Om Puri (East is East, Jewel in the Crown, City of Joy and Gandhi), is a story about one man's quest to attain redemption. Puri, who gives a compelling performance as the aged and tired executioner Shiva, has been forced into his forefathers' profession.