The Hard Easy is a 2006 American independent crime action-drama film directed by Ari Ryan, written by Jon Lindstrom and Tom Schanley, and starring Henry Thomas, David Boreanaz, Vera Farmiga, Bruce Dern, Peter Weller, Nick Lachey, and Gary Busey. The film was released straight-to-DVD in the United States on May 22, 2007.Synopsis
In Los Angeles, the gambler Paul Weston (Henry Thomas) is a loser, and owes a lot of money to the dangerous mobster Freddie (Rae Allen). When he is brutally beaten and the life of his former wife is threatened by Freddie, his acquaintance bartender Vinnie (Gary Busey) sends him to Dr. Charlie Brooks (Vera Farmiga), and then convinces him to participate in a heist in the jewelry district, with the professional thief Gene (Bruce Dern), to raise the necessary money to pay off his debt.