The Hillz is a 2004 film written and directed by Saran Barnun and starring Rene Heger, Jesse Woodrow, and Paris Hilton. It centers around four kids from Beverly Hills who form a ruthless gang. The entire film features Steve's (Woodrow) feeble attempts to obtain Heather Smith (Hilton) as his girlfriend, and a ruthless rebel child with some clear psychological disorders named Duff and his friend T trying to earn respect in their gang.Synopsis
The film follows the experiences of a promising athlete named Steve and his friends who live in a small southern California town. Steve's three friends, Duff, Seb, and T, all come from wealthy families and spend most of their time getting high, drinking at parties, and harassing Ahkmed, a convenience store clerk. After finding a gun in a girl's house, Duff starts violently pursuing a life of crime with T, the loudmouthed instigator with a Napoleon complex, at his side.