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The Iron Man (serial) est un film américain réalisé par Jay Marchant avec Margaret Morris

The Iron Man (serial) (1924)

The Iron Man (serial)
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The Iron Man is a 1924 American film serial directed by Jay Marchant.


Margaret Morris

(Arlene Graham)
Luciano Albertini

(Paul Breen)
Joe Bonomo

(Gaston La Rue)
Lola Todd

Jean De Briac

(Jules Despaed)
William Welsh
Bande annonce de The Iron Man (serial)

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Source : Wikidata


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Assunta Spina, 1h12
Réalisé par Francesca Bertini, Gustavo Serena
Origine Italie
Genres Drame
Thèmes Théâtre, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Francesca Bertini, Gustavo Serena, Luciano Albertini, Alberto Collo
Note61% 3.0978853.0978853.0978853.0978853.097885
Assunta Spina est lavandière. Son compagnon Michele reçoit un jour une lettre anonyme affirmant que sa conjointe est courtisée par le pressant Di Raffaele. Au cours d'un repas, Assunta danse avec cet homme, ce qui rend Michele fou de rage. Il la défigure, puis est arrêté et condamné. Assunta Spina, qui souhaite se rapprocher de Michele, décide de devenir la maîtresse du vice-chancelier, Federigo Funelli.
On demande un mari
Réalisé par Edward Dillon
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Théâtre, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Billie Burke, Ward Crane, Lumsden Hare, Huntley Gordon, Jean De Briac, Robert Agnew

As summarized in a film publication, Mrs. Belle Johnson (Burke) is a widow and has a married sister Grace Morley (Warrington) who is unhappy and is having an affair with Sir Lionel Heathcote (Gordon). Belle tries to keep them apart to save her sister's reputation. Frank Morley (Hare), a brother of Grace's husband and a previous love of Belle, returns and soon he and Belle are in love again and planning to elope. At the same time Grace is planning on running off with Heathcote, and a note sent to her is found by her husband Jim (Crane). Jim follows his wife Grace to Heathcote's apartment, but Belle gets there ahead of them and pretends that the note was meant for her. Franks hears of this and wants nothing more with Belle. Eventually, Grace decides that she cannot let her sister sacrifice her happiness and tells her husband the truth. Frank goes back with Belle, and Grace says that she is getting a divorce so that she can marry Heathcote.
Beasts of Paradise
Réalisé par William James Craft
Origine Etats-Unis
Acteurs William Desmond, Eileen Sedgwick, William Gould, Ruth Royce, Margaret Morris, William Welsh
Note18% 0.947170.947170.947170.947170.94717
The story is told in 15 episodes which Universal advertised as: Laid aboard ship and on a mysterious island in the South Seas, the picture plot admitted of romantic and suspenseful handling. The action includes much jungle stuff and adventures on the part of the leading characters in which wild animals figure. These punch scenes include fights with lions, alligators, elephants and other jungle denizens. Especial pains were taken at Universal City, which boasts the best menagerie in the film industry, to inject real suspense and dangerous situations into the animal sequences. The sea sequences also were made with an eye to the outdoing of all previous serial thrills. Under-water fights, shark fights, submarine adventures and other aquatic thrills figure in many of the fifteen episodes of the serial.