The Lotus Eaters is a Canadian drama film, released in 1993. Written by Peggy Thompson and directed by Paul Shapiro. The film stars R. H. Thomson and Sheila McCarthy as Hal and Diana Kingswood, a married couple living on Galiano Island in British Columbia in the 1960s, with their two daughters, Cleo (Tara Frederick) and Zoe (Aloka McLean).Synopsis
The story is told mostly through the eyes of Zoe, the younger Kingswood daughter. The Kingswoods seem to live a happy life, though teenage Cloe is frustrated with an inability to do things, like travel to Vancouver to see the Beatles. A catalyst for change for their somewhat stagnant lives arrives in the form of Anne-Marie (Michèle-Barbara Pelletier), Zoe's new teacher at the school where Hal Kingswood is principal.