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The Old Homestead est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par James Cruze avec Theodore Roberts

The Old Homestead (1922)

The Old Homestead
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Durée 1h20
Réalisé par
Genres Drame

The Old Homestead is a 1922 American silent drama film directed by James Cruze and written by Julien Josephson, Perley Poore Sheehan, and Frank E. Woods based upon the play of the same name by Denman Thompson. The film stars Theodore Roberts, George Fawcett, T. Roy Barnes, Fritzi Ridgeway, Harrison Ford, James Mason, and Kathleen O'Connor. The film was released on October 8, 1922, by Paramount Pictures. A print of the film is in the Gosfilmofond film archive.


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