The Spectacular Jihad of Taz Rahim is a 2015 crime drama film directed by Raghav Murali and produced by Zaki Hossain. The film stars Rahsaan Islam, Monica Dogra, Kal Parekh, and Sorab Wadia in pivotal roles. The film is loosely inspired by true stories of the NYPD, FBI, and CIA's use of Muslim informants. The film was produced in English and in Hindi and premiered in the United States 15 April 2015.Synopsis
Taz Rahim (Rahsaan Islam) is a wannabe Yo! Yo! Honey Singh desi rapper struggling to make ends meet. One day while dealing weed, he is arrested for the third time in six months. The latest arrest being made by Detective Nick Patel (Kal Parekh), whom is working undercover as a drug buyer. While being held, Taz is given an ultimatum by Nick: either become an undercover Muslim informant in the NYPD's 'create and capture' program or face deportation from the United States.