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The Woman Hater est un film réalisé par Charles Brabin avec Charles Brabin

The Woman Hater (1915)

The Woman Hater
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Réalisé par

The Woman Hater est un film muet américain réalisé par Charles Brabin et sorti en 1915.


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, 1h20
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Genres Drame, Biographie, Fantasy, Horreur
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La Vallée des géants
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Ben-Hur (1925)
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Le masque d'or, 1h8
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Genres Drame, Historique
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The story takes place in the Russian Empire during the last years of the reign of Czar Nicholas II and the Czarina Alexandra. Reform-minded Prince Paul has long been concerned about the plight of the common people and knows a revolution is brewing. Prince Alexei, heir to the throne, is loved by the people but has hemophilia, and a slight fall turns out to be life-threatening. When royal physician Dr. Remezov is powerless to stop the boy's bleeding, Princess Natasha, Alexandra's lady-in-waiting and Paul's fiancee, recommends Rasputin as a healer. He convinces the frantic Empress that he has been sent by God to cure the child. Left alone with Alexei, he hypnotizes the boy and relieves his agony but also gradually makes Alexei a slave to his will.