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Twisted Rails est un film américain de genre Policier réalisé par Albert Herman avec Philo McCullough

Twisted Rails (1934)

Twisted Rails
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Durée 51minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Policier,    Western
Note51% 2.59882.59882.59882.59882.5988

Twisted Rails is a 1934 American film directed by Albert Herman. It was distributed by the independent Imperial Distributing Corporation for the states-rights market. The plot concerns $50,000 in gold that is hidden on a train and a gang's efforts to get it.


Philo McCullough

(Black Jack Bolivar)
Donald Keith

(Bull Weinstock)
Victor Potel

(Tom Watson)
Pat Harmon

(Barney McGuire)
Tom London

(Sheriff James)
Bande annonce de Twisted Rails

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Source : Wikidata


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