Uvaa is an Indian comedy and social drama film, written and directed by Jasbir Bhaati and produced by Dhanraj Films. The film is about five friends in a boarding school and their daily life suddenly turning into a rebellion to fight for justice and make an example to the outside world. The film has veteran actors Om Puri and Sanjay Mishra (actor) , Jimmy Shergill , Sangram Singh , Rohan mehra and Archana Puran Singh. The film also has several new faces as the lead five actors of the film. The movie is supposed to be released on 26 June 2015.Synopsis
Ram, Anil, Vikram, Salmaan and Deenbandhu are the rebellious brats of suburban Delhi NCR, with the world at their feet and nothing to worry they stomp everything in their path without knowing the consequences, but challenge lay ahead when all of them are put in a totally new world of convent school, here they survive and thrive only to find love.