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Warlord of Kayan est un film de genre Documentaire réalisé par Jeff B. Harmon

Warlord of Kayan

Warlord of Kayan
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Warlord of Kayan is a 1989 documentary film produced and directed by Jeff B. Harmon.

The film tells the story of Sayed Jafar Naderi, the son of an Afghan Ismaili leader, who used to be a member of a hippie motorcycle gang in Allentown, Pennsylvania and later became a provincial governor and chief of a 12,000 man private army in Afghanistan.

Sayed Jaffar returned to his native country during the Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980s after studying and living in the United Kingdom and the United States to become a key power broker between the Soviets, the Afghan Government and the mujahideen.

The film won the Golden Gate Award at the San Francisco International Film Festival. It was a Duce Films International Ltd. Production for Channel 4.

The film is part of Harmon's "Afghan Trilogy", which also included the documentaries Jihad and Afgan.
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Source : Wikidata


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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes Politique, Religion, Le terrorisme, Documentaire sur le droit, Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Documentaire sur la politique, Documentaire sur la religion, Documentaire sur le terrorisme, Politique, Religion musulmane
Note64% 3.244513.244513.244513.244513.24451
The movie begins with the following statement: This is a film about radical Islamic terror. A dangerous ideology, fueled by religious hatred. It's important to remember most Muslims are peaceful and do not support terror. This is not a film about them. This is a film about a radical worldview, and the threat it poses to us all, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. The film uses many images from Arab TV, provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute and Palestinian Media Watch.