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Wiener G’schichten est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Géza von Bolváry avec Hans Moser

Wiener G’schichten (1940)

Wiener G’schichten
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Durée 1h40
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Musical
Note64% 3.224753.224753.224753.224753.22475

Vienna Tales (German:Wiener G'schichten) is a 1940 musical comedy film directed by Géza von Bolváry and starring Marte Harell, Olly Holzmann and Hans Moser. The film is set in Imperial Vienna at the beginning of the twentieth century. The film's sets were designed by Hans Ledersteger and Ernst Richter.


Hans Moser

(Kellner Josef)
Paul Hörbiger

(Kellner Ferdinand)
Marte Harell

(Christine Lechner)
Oskar Sima

Siegfried Breuer

(Baron von Brelowsky)
Bande annonce de Wiener G’schichten

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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This script must be run from the command line
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