The film opens with a map of the area showing Timors in relation to the north Australian coast, and briefly explains the circumstances of the left behind Australian troops who did not surrender but carried on a guerrilla war against the Japanese. After some very difficult forays behind enemy lines to capture equipment for radio, they manage to contact Darwin. Wary of a possible Japanese trick they ask the men what the first name of a wife of a particular sergeant was. When the correct answer, Joan, is returned, the Australian military starts to airlift supplies to the guerrillas and their Timorese allies.
The British army is preparing an attack on a German-held French port. German intelligence use agents in England to discover the intended target by piecing together information from different sources, including conversations overheard in pubs, railway stations, shops and other public places.
Oscar® du meilleur documentaire en 1943, ce film est le premier de la série Pourquoi nous combattons produite par le Département de la Guerre américain. L’objectif est de décrire et d’expliquer les événements qui ont poussé les États-Unis à entrer en guerre. Les systèmes totalitaires et répressifs allemands, italiens et japonais sont décryptés et opposés à la grande puissance démocratique des États-Unis.
Several servicemen relax by playing pool at their base. One later visits a prostitute and contracts syphilis. As a result of his unfortunate experience, there is an opportunity for sexual health information about syphilis, how it is spread and how its spread can be prevented.