The Film opens on the city of Pittsburgh where Hamza Perez is seen walking through the streets while narrating about his two recurring life prophecies that would come to him in dreams. One of his dreams was experiencing death at the age of 21, the second was him being in jail. Later he reveals both prophecies had come true. Hamza explains that at the age of 21 he became a Muslim, therefore he experienced a death of all his past doings. According to Hamza, one day while he was on the street smoking marijuana, a sheikh approached him to talk about Islam and that is when he knew things were going to change.
Two fathers have lost their sons to a radical Islamist movement whose growth is enabled by naïve and misguided political correctness, willful ignorance, and simple cowardice. Carlos Bledsoe, born and raised in an African American Baptist family, firebombed a rabbi's house and then killed Pvt. Andy Long outside an Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas. Carlos becomes a jihadist through his connections to radical mosques and Imams in Nashville, as part of a problem that is being ignored—or facilitated—by local civic and religious leaders and the media; whose politically correct views blind Americans to a truth that few dare engage.
Film adapté du roman autobiographique homonyme d'Abd Al Malik, Qu'Allah bénisse la France raconte le parcours de Régis, noir, enfant d'immigrés, surdoué, élevé par sa mère catholique avec ses deux frères, dans la cité du Neuhof à Strasbourg. Entre délinquance, rap et islam, il va découvrir l'amour et trouver sa voie grâce à la volonté de réussir et d'avoir un avenir meilleur.
In the early 1920s Leopold Weiss, a Jew born in Lemberg, traveled to the Middle East. The desert fascinated him, and Islam became his new spiritual home. He left his Jewish roots behind, converted to Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Asad. He became one of the most important Muslims of the 20th century, first as an adviser at the royal court of Saudi Arabia, and later translating the Quran into English. Asad also played an important role in the creation of Pakistan and served as its envoy to the United Nations. The director follows his fading footsteps, leading from the Arabian desert to Ground Zero. He finds a man who was not looking for adventures but rather wanted to act as a mediator between East and West. “A Road To Mecca” takes this opportunity to deal with a heated debate which is currently becoming more and more important.
The film opens with a montage of television and radio clips of comments from figures such as Frank Gaffney, Herman Cain, Ann Coulter, Bryan Fischer, Pat Robertson, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Maher, and Donald Trump expressing fear of Islam, or mistrust of Muslims.
Patricia, Zahreen, Jamile, Maria, Jamila and Marcela are cariocas women who adopted Islam as a religion and began to wear the hijab, a traditional veil that covers the hair of Muslim women. The film dialogues with these women and shows the consequences of this religious option in their relationship with their families, at school and work.