The movie opens with clips of the US military scrambling to respond to a Soviet nuclear attack. Daniel Schorr, reporting in front of the White House, is vaporized when a nuclear weapon detonates.
At the very beginning of the film, Bill Gates (played by Gates double Steve Sires) walks onto the stage of the pavilion in MacArthur Park, Los Angeles, California on Thursday, December 2, 1999, to give a check for one million dollars to "Literacy For Life" as part of the "Bill Gates Foundation." (The filmmakers intentionally avoided mentioning Gates' family members in the film; thus, they refrain from naming the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.) Upon reaching the stage, Gates is shot dead by a sniper, first in the right shoulder, then the head.
VIRTUAL JFK investigates one of the most debated "what if" scenarios in the history of U.S. foreign policy: What would President John F. Kennedy have done in Vietnam if he had not been assassinated in 1963, and had he been re-elected in 1964? The film employs what Harvard historian Niall Ferguson calls "virtual history," assessing the plausibility of counterfactuals - "what ifs" - and the outcomes they might have produced. The heart of the film deals with the question: Does it matter who is president on issues of war and peace?
"Why did Murasaki Shikibu write The Tale of Genji?" is the core concept behind Genji Monogatari: Sennen no Nazo. Throughout the film scenes from both Hikaru Genji no Monogatari (光源氏の物語 Hikaru Genji's story) and Shikibu no Monogatari (式部の物語 Shikibu's story) are intertwined together. As the main question being why was The Tale of Genji, the film is truly trying to place a reason and possibilities in why Murasaki wrote The Tale of Genji.
Dans une uchronie ou l'Allemagne à vaincu le Japon durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Inui, un ancien membre des Kerberos condamné à trois ans de prison après le putsch raté de son unité, part à la recherche de son supérieur, Koichi, qu'il avait vu abandonner le champ de bataille juste avant la défaite. Se retrouvant à Taïwan, il arpente l'île avec l'aide de l'ancienne fiancée de Koichi et l'assistance d'un mystérieux homme en blanc. Mais sa quête va aussi le pousser à s'interroger davantage sur sa propre nature...
Grande-Bretagne, 1944. Le pays est occupé par des forces allemandes. Un matin, les femmes d'une vallée galloise isolée se réveillent pour découvrir que tous leurs maris ont mystérieusement disparu.
The film opens sometime in 1964 and we see Oswald in a maximum security cage as a radio announcer tells how he has been on trial for the last 43 days as the eyes of the entire world watch. A bailiff announces the jury has reached a verdict and the world press rushes to their phones. We see Oswald being handcuffed and led back into the courtroom to learn his fate.
Durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, les Nazis inventent un "Super-soldat" pour combattre les Alliés. Les Américains décident d'envoyer six soldats pour l'arrêter; ils seront aidés par des Résistants français sur place.
In October 1985, during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and on the eve of nuclear war, a depressed Rorschach, one of several outlawed vigilante superheroes, begins to investigate why all former masked superheroes are either dead or have declined.