Davy Jones est un des personnages de la série Pirates des Caraïbes mais n'a pas été inventé par les Studios Disney. Il s'agit d'un nom propre en usage depuis le milieu du XVIII siècle pour désigner l'Esprit de la Mer. Par ailleurs, l'expression « to be sent to Davy Jone's locker » signifie « être mort en mer ».
Dans Pirates des Caraïbes, Davy Jones est un pirate qui est tombé amoureux d'une femme, Calypso, la déesse des Mers. Cette dernière lui confia une mission, escorter les âmes perdues en mer dans l'antre de Davy Jones pendant 10 ans contre une journée sur terre pour retrouver celle qui l'aime, et ce pour l'éternité. Il fit ceci et revint au bout de 10 ans. Mais cette dernière n'était pas au rendez vous, car il était dans sa nature d'être infidèle et ne pouvant supporter sa tristesse, il s'arracha le cœur et le mit dans un coffre, qui fut enterré sur l'île des quatre vents. Davy Jones refusa alors de continuer son travail et une terrible malédiction vint s'abattre sur lui et son équipage : ils furent transformés en créatures du monde abyssal et il fut séparé en deux esprits, l'un d'eux fut le Kraken et l'autre le capitaine du Hollandais Volant. Le Hollandais Volant aussi fut touché par cette malédiction et devint un vaisseau organique capable de plonger sous l'eau. Le navire ne peut vivre sans capitaine, c'est pour cela qu'il doit avoir un capitaine dont le cœur se trouve dans un coffre. Quiconque tue le capitaine devient à son tour capitaine. Pour se venger, Davy Jones révéla à la Confrérie des Pirates le moyen d'emprisonner Calypso dans un corps humain pour qu'elle ne déclenche plus de tempêtes.
Davy Jones was born in Scotland; nothing is known about his youth. He fell madly in love with Calypso, the "heathen god[dess]" of the sea who gave him the charge of ferrying souls who died at sea to the "other side," Fiddler's Green. Calypso gave Davy Jones the Flying Dutchman to accomplish this task. Her reason for this is unknown. She swore that after ten years she would meet him and they would spend one day together before he returned to his duties. He faithfully kept to his charge for ten years, and after his first decade of duty, prepared to see his love again. Calypso however, after those ten years, failed to show up because of her capricious nature, which had drawn Jones to her in the first place. Thinking Calypso had betrayed him, an enraged and heartbroken Davy Jones turned the Pirate Brethren against her, saying that if she were removed from the world, they would be able to claim the seas for themselves. They assembled in the First Brethren Court and Jones taught them how to imprison her into her human form (Tia Dalma); the Court agreed with him to imprison her forever.
Soon, Jones' grief at Calypso's betrayal and guilt at what he had done became so great that he carved out his heart and placed it in the "Dead Man's Chest". Containing a powerful lock, the Chest was sealed and placed within a larger wooden chest along with Jones' numerous love letters to Calypso and all other items having to do with her, except his matching musical locket. This was then buried on Isla Cruces, a plague island. Jones then departed, keeping his unique double-stemmed key to the Chest with him at all times. Since then, Jones has abandoned his duty and sailed the seas, making deals and doing as he pleased. Though immortal, his disregard for his duty brought punishment, mutating him into a parody of humanity, and with him, his ship, and whomsoever served on it. His crew is lured into service by the notion that they can forestall their "final judgment" for 100 years by serving aboard the Dutchman, however, they don't know that they will slowly mutate into creatures like Jones until they are essentially barnacles on the ship's hull, ultimately useless. The lore of the "feared Flying Dutchman" begins as Jones' eerie ship sailed about destroying ships to recruit for crew. With his supernatural power, he becomes ruler of the oceans' realm and comes to command the Kraken, a feared mythological sea monster.
In the book series about Jack Sparrow's earlier adventures, Davy Jones shows interest in the Sword of Cortes, also sought by Jack. He is a minor character, but finally appears in the cliff-hanger ending to book 7 as Jack and his crew encounter the Flying Dutchman.
Jones also appears in the prequel book about Jack's first years as a captain. He helps the Brethren Court to identify the traitor among them, who turns out to be Borya Palachnik, the Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea. After Cutler Beckett sank Jack Sparrow's ship, the Wicked Wench, Davy Jones approaches Sparrow with a deal: Jones will raise the Wench back from Davy Jones' Locker, allowing Sparrow to be captain for 13 years if Sparrow agrees to serve on the Dutchman for 100 years.
Dead Man's Chest
The character of Captain Davy Jones is introduced in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006); the time now being 13 years later, he seeks to claim Sparrow's soul. It becomes clear that Jack Sparrow and Cutler Beckett are after the Dead Man's Chest and its key; one to buy time against Jones and the other to secure Jones' power over the seas (respectively). After several events (none including Jones), Sparrow and the Black Pearl arrive at what seems to be the Flying Dutchman, but is really a merchant ship destroyed by the Kraken. The real Dutchman rises from the sea and captures the men on board, including Will Turner, who was tricked there by Sparrow. Jones makes his first appearance as he approaches the fearful crew and asks, "Do you fear death?", his catchphrase. After one frightened sailor answers that he will serve, Jones responds mockingly, his crew then proceeding to laugh. He realises that Will is on the ship because of Jack and, after spotting Sparrow on the overlooking Pearl, he teleports to the ship. Jones confronts Sparrow about their expired deal, and refuses to accept Jack's excuse that he was only captain for two years until Barbossa's mutiny, stating that he was "a poor captain, but a captain nonetheless", and also reminds him of his constant self-introduction as "Captain Jack Sparrow". Jack strikes up a new deal with Jones; Jack will be spared enslavement on the Dutchman if he brings Jones one hundred souls to replace his own within the next three days. Jones accepts, removes the black spot from Jack's hand, and retains Will, keeping him as a "good faith payment."
While on the Dutchman, Will challenges Jones at a game of liar's dice, the purpose of which was to find out where Jones hides the key to the Chest. The stakes for which they gambled were Will's soul for an eternity of service, against the key to the Dead Man's Chest. Although Will was saved by his losing father, Bootstrap Bill, Jones did give Will a glimpse of where he kept the key to the Chest. The next morning, Jones realizes the key is gone and summons the Kraken to destroy the ship carrying Turner, forcing Bootstrap Bill Turner to watch the scene; the Dutchman then sails to Isla Cruces to stop Sparrow from getting the Chest.
Arriving, Jones sent his crew to retrieve the Chest; they return to him with it. The Dutchman then goes after the Black Pearl, and shoots at the Pearl but is outrun anyway and pretends to give up. Jones summons the Kraken instead and it attacks the ship, finally pulling it down into Davy Jones' Locker along with Jack Sparrow as Jones surveys. He afterwards opens the Chest only to find his heart missing, it having been taken by James Norrington. Shocked and believing that Jack Sparrow took the heart with him to Davy Jones' Locker, he screams "Damn you, Jack Sparrow!"
At World's End
Bill Nighy returns as Davy Jones in At World's End, now being under the control of Cutler Beckett for the use of the East India Trading Company. Lord Beckett who really had the heart with him, forces Jones to make an alliance with the EITC by having gunmen shoot Jones's heart should he disobey; and Mercer, a henchman of Beckett's, names Jones "a loose cannon". Beckett also orders Jones to sink pirate ships in the seas but is infuriated when Jones uses his habit of leaving no one alive in the process; Beckett wants prisoners to interrogate about the Brethren Court of Pirates. To ensure Jones would obey, Beckett also ordered him to kill the Kraken in case he attempted to use it against him. Lord Beckett afterwards orders Jones to seek and attack the Pirate Lord, Sao Feng; Jones subsequently kills Sao and captures Elizabeth Swann, who had been named captain by Sao Feng upon his death. When Admiral James Norrington dies on board the Dutchman freeing prisoners, Jones claims Norrington's sword (originally crafted by Will Turner) after he attempted to kill Jones. Jones then attempts mutiny and has his men kill the Company's marines on the Flying Dutchman. However, Mercer organizes a defense on the Chest which includes Mullroy and Murtogg aiming a cannon at it, forcing Jones to continue under Beckett's service.
Beckett later summons Jones to his ship, the Endeavour, where Jones confronts Will Turner again and divulges the truth of his own story while learning of Jack Sparrow's escape from the Locker. The three men then plan to arrive at Shipwreck Cove.
Jones later confronts Calypso in her human shape of Tia Dalma, locked in the brig of the Black Pearl; here, the two former lovers engage in a poignant conversation wherein several crucial subplots between the two are revealed, such as the reasons for which Calypso did not meet him after Jones' first decade of service on the Flying Dutchman and the subsequent mutation of Davy Jones. Tia Dalma touches his chest, and Jones is briefly seen in his original human form (also portrayed by Bill Nighy), which bears striking similarities to his grotesque appearance, including a long and full beard with multiple braids parallel to his facial tentacles. Jones, despite his attempts to hate her, seems unable to truly do so and instead tells her that his heart will always belong to her. Tia Dalma says that after her release, she will fully give her love to him and will help him fight the Brethren Court. However, Will Turner later reveals to her that Jones had revealed how to enslave her to the Brethren Court.
After the parley between Beckett, Turner, and Jones with Swann, Hector Barbossa, and Sparrow, the Flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl sail into battle as flagships for their sides. A monstrous maelstrom (caused by the now-free Calypso) forms between them and both enter it, engaging in an epic battle. During the battle Jones kills Mercer and retrieves the key to the Chest. After Mercer is dead, he fights Jack Sparrow for his Chest – an intense sword fight atop the mast of the Dutchman. In the end of the battle, Jack acquires both the Chest and the key while Jones battles Will and Elizabeth. Jones quickly overpowers Elizabeth, and is subsequently impaled through the back by Will before he can finish her off. Undaunted, Jones bends the tip of Will's sword so he cannot remove it and kicks him aside; realizing their relationship, he holds Will at sword-point, asking if he fears death. Jack asks "Do you?" holding the heart and a sword in the other hand and taunts him in a desperate bid to save Will. Before Jack can stab the heart, Jones thrusts and twists his sword deep into Will's chest, Jack visibly shocked. Suddenly Will's father jumps upon Jones to fight him and briefly overpowers Jones, but is quickly defeated. Moments later, Sparrow helps Turner put his hand on his broken sword and plunge it into Davy Jones' beating heart, mortally wounding him. Jones staggers backwards and looks up into the sky, in which a blast of lightning is visible. The heart stops beating and Jones then dies, his last word being "Calypso." He then tumbles backwards off the ship, and falls into the still raging maelstrom.
, 2h48 Réalisé parGore Verbinski OrigineEtats-Unis GenresDrame, Fantastique, Comédie, Comédie dramatique, Fantasy, Cape et d'épée, Action, Aventure ThèmesLa mer, Transport, Pirates, Films pour enfants ActeursJohnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Geoffrey Rush, Bill Nighy, Tom Hollander Note71% À Port Royal, la pendaison de plusieurs pirates ou complices de pirates est organisée sur ordre de Lord Cutler Beckett. L'âge de la piraterie touche à sa fin. Au même moment, Elizabeth Swann et le capitaine Hector Barbossa se rendent à Singapour afin de s'entretenir avec Sao Feng, l'un des neuf seigneurs des pirates du Tribunal de la Confrérie et seigneur de la mer de Chine méridionale. Barbossa annonce à Sao Feng qu'il a décidé de réunir les neuf seigneurs des pirates afin de contrer la menace grandissante de la Compagnie britannique des Indes orientales. Le Tribunal ne peut se réunir qu'avec la présence des neuf seigneurs. Or, il en manque un : le capitaine Jack Sparrow, qui, tué par le Kraken, n'a pas eu le temps de transmettre sa pièce de Huit avant de mourir. Barbossa insiste sur le fait qu'il faille ramener Jack du royaume des morts (l'Antre de Davy Jones), sans quoi le Tribunal de la Confrérie ne pourra pas se réunir. Sao Feng reste méfiant envers Barbossa, car il a récemment surpris William Turner dans ses appartements en train de lui voler ses cartes nautiques, qui permettent entre autres de trouver le chemin vers l'au-delà. S'ensuit alors une bataille entre les hommes de Cutler Beckett, qui viennent juste d'investir Singapour, et les pirates de Sao Feng. L'équipage restant du Black Pearl (à savoir Gibbs, Marty, Coton, Pintel et Ragetti, accompagnés de la sorcière vaudou Tia Dalma) se joignent eux aussi au combat. Peu après, les rescapés de Singapour appareillent grâce à Sao Feng, qui a pu leur fournir ses fameuses cartes nautiques, un équipage ainsi qu'une jonque, le Hai Pang. Ils effectuent alors un très long voyage à travers froid, vent et neige afin d'atteindre l'Antre de Davy Jones. Une nuit, ils arrivent finalement au bout du monde , qui se présente comme une immense chute d'eau. Barbossa reconnaît ses eaux mystérieuses puisqu'il en revient et certifie à l'équipage qu'il s'agit du bon chemin. L'équipage du Hai Peng ne peut rien faire, tombe dans l'immense chute d'eau et atterrissent dans l'Antre de Davy Jones.
, 2h30 Réalisé parGore Verbinski OrigineEtats-Unis GenresDrame, Fantastique, Comédie, Fantasy, Cape et d'épée, Action, Aventure ThèmesLa mer, Transport, Pirates, Films pour enfants, L'Or ActeursJohnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Stellan Skarsgård, Bill Nighy, Jack Davenport Note73% William Turner et Elizabeth Swann sont sur le point de se marier, lorsqu'ils se font arrêter par Cutler Beckett, qui travaille pour la Compagnie britannique des Indes orientales. Ils ont en effet précédemment aidé le capitaine Jack Sparrow, un pirate, à échapper à la peine de mort. En échange de leur libération, William Turner accepte de partir comme émissaire à la recherche de Jack pour proposer un marché : l'amnistie et une lettre de marque pour devenir corsaire en échange de sa boussole. La boussole de Jack a une particularité : elle indique la direction de ce que le porteur désire le plus. Elizabeth arrive à s'échapper de la prison grâce à son père, le Gouverneur, dérobe une lettre de marque, et part à la poursuite de William.