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Gladys Leslie est une Actrice Américaine née le 5 mars 1899 à New York (Etats-Unis)

Gladys Leslie

Gladys Leslie
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Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 5 mars 1899 à New York (Etats-Unis)
Mort 2 octobre 1976 (à 77 ans) à Boynton Beach (Etats-Unis)

Gladys Leslie (March 5, 1899 – October 2, 1976) was an American actress in silent film, active in the 1910s and 1920s. Though less-remembered than superstars like Mary Pickford, she had a number of starring roles from 1917 to the early 1920s and was one of the young female stars of her day.

Le plus souvent avec

Sidney Olcott
Sidney Olcott
(2 films)
Ivan Abramson
Ivan Abramson
(1 films)
Willard Louis
Willard Louis
(1 films)
Joseph Depew
Joseph Depew
(1 films)
Nora Cecil
Nora Cecil
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Gladys Leslie (10 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Haldane of the Secret Service, 1h24
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Aventure
Acteurs Gladys Leslie, William Humphrey
Rôle Adele Ormsby
Note52% 2.6327052.6327052.6327052.6327052.632705
"Heath Haldane (Houdini), son of a detective slain by a gang of counterfeiters, swears vengeance. He rescues a girl (Leslie) from the gang, but is thrown into river by them for dead, and escapes.
Timothy's Quest
Réalisé par Sidney Olcott
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Joseph Depew, Jetta Goudal, Gladys Leslie, Margaret Seddon, Nora Cecil, Carrie Clark Ward
Rôle Miss Dora
Note73% 3.670723.670723.670723.670723.67072
À la mort de leur mère adoptive, deux orphelins Timothy et Lady Gay quittent les faubourgs pour échapper à l'orphelinat. Ils sautent dans un wagon en direction du Maine, et errent sur les routes américaines, en quête d’un foyer plus paisible et plus accueillant…
Jim the Penman
Réalisé par Kenneth S. Webb
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Policier
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Lionel Barrymore, Gladys Leslie, Anders Randolf
Rôle Agnes Ralston

As described in a film publication summary, James "Jim" Ralston (Barrymore) is a forger who is in love with Nina (Rankin). His first attempt at forgery is upon a dance program, and he forges Nina's name for the last waltz. He offers to save Nina's father from ruin by forging a check. He is discovered by the owner of the check, but instead of turning him in, Baron Hartfeld (Randolf) forces Jim to work for him for the next twenty years. Nina is engaged to Louis Percival (MacPherson), but through notes forged by Jim they become estranged. Nina ends up marrying James although she does not love him. As the twenty year period closes, Jim's daughter Louise is about to marry the son of an English banker that Jim is about to ruin. Just in time Percival, whom Jim has previously ruined, and Nina discover the forgery that separated them. Jim, realizing that he is trapped, ends it all by sinking a yacht after locking himself and his companions in the cabin.
A Child for Sale
Réalisé par Ivan Abramson
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Gladys Leslie, Creighton Hale, Julia Swayne Gordon, Bobby Connelly, Anna Lehr, William B. Davidson
Rôle Ruth Gardner

Charles Stoddard (played by Hale) is a poor artist living with his wife and two children in Greenwich Village. Destitute after his wife dies, he is forced to sell one of his children for $1,000 to a childless rich woman. He soon comes his senses however, and backs out of the deal. From there, the story takes a number of twists and turns involving Ruth Gardner (Leslie) (the wife of Dr. Gardner who treats Stoddard's child for illness) and Ruth's parents -- whose father is also Stoddard's landlord and mother is later revealed to be Stoddard's long-lost mother from a prior marriage.
It May Be You
Réalisé par Willard Louis, Will Louis
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Arthur Housman, Oliver Hardy, Gladys Leslie
Rôle The Banker's Secretary
Note30% 1.5060951.5060951.5060951.5060951.506095