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John Lydon est un Acteur Britannique né le 31 janvier 1956 à Holloway (Royaume-uni)

John Lydon

John Lydon
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Nom de naissance John Joseph Lydon
Nationalité Royaume-uni
Naissance 31 janvier 1956 (68 ans) à Holloway (Royaume-uni)

John Joseph Lydon (born 31 January 1956), also known by his former stage name Johnny Rotten, is an English singer-songwriter and musician, best known as the lead singer of the punk rock band Sex Pistols from 1975 until 1978, and again for various revivals during the 1990s and 2000s. He is the lead singer of the post-punk band Public Image Ltd (PiL), which he founded and fronted from 1978 until 1993, and again since 2009.

There has been a recent revival of a 1980s movement to have Lydon knighted for his achievements with the Sex Pistols — even though he has declined efforts to award him an MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for his services to music. In 2002 he was named among the 100 Greatest Britons following a UK-wide vote. Q Magazine remarked that "somehow he's assumed the status of national treasure."

Lydon's image and fashion style led to him being asked to become the singer of the Sex Pistols by their manager, Malcolm McLaren. With the Pistols, he penned singles including "Anarchy in the U.K.", "God Save the Queen" and "Holidays in the Sun", the content of which precipitated the "last and greatest outbreak of pop-based moral pandemonium" in Britain.

The band caused nationwide uproar in much of the media, who objected to the content of Lydon’s lyrics, and their antics, which included swearing on live television, in which Steve Jones called Bill Grundy a "fucking rotter". Due to the band's appearance in the media, Lydon was seen as a figurehead of the punk movement. Despite the negative reaction that they provoked, they are now regarded as one of the most influential acts in the history of popular music.

Lydon left the Pistols in 1978 to found his own band, Public Image Ltd, that was far more experimental in nature, and which has been described as "arguably the first post-rock group". Although never as commercially successful as the Pistols, the band produced eight albums and a string of singles, including "Public Image", "Death Disco", and "Rise", before they went on hiatus in 1993, reforming in 2009. In subsequent years, Lydon hosted a number of television shows in the UK, US, and Belgium, as well as writing two autobiographies: Rotten: No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs (1993), Anger is an Energy (2014), and producing some solo musical work, such as the album Psycho's Path (1997). In 2005 he released a compilation album, The Best of British £1 Notes.


Lydon is married to Nora Forster, a publishing heiress from Germany. He was the stepfather of Forster's daughter, Ari Up, who had been the lead singer in the post-punk band the Slits before her death in 2010. Currently, Lydon and Forster primarily live in Los Angeles, California but also keep a residence in London.

Lydon's parents raised their sons in the Roman Catholic faith, and Lydon self-identifies as a Catholic, however, he's stated that he "never had any godlike epiphanies or thought that God had anything to do with this dismal occurrence called life." On the liner notes of Public Image Ltd's single, "Cruel", Lydon included, "Where is God? I see no evidence of God. God is probably Barry Manilow."

Lydon has been a fan of Oscar Wilde since he studied his works at school, when he came to the conclusion that "his stuff was fucking brilliant. What an attitude to life!… He turned out to be the biggest poof on earth at a time when that was completely unacceptable. What a genius."

In addition to his work as a singer-songwriter Lydon is also a visual artist. His drawings, paintings and other related works have featured prominently in the works of PiL and his solo career throughout the years, the most recent example being the cover to This is PiL. In 2014 he admitted to losing £10,000 on iPad games.

Political and social criticism
Ever since his rise to public attention, Lydon has remained a critic of much in British politics and society. Coming from a working-class background, he has remained heavily opposed to the class system, describing how private schools "tend to turn out little snobs. They're taught a sense of superiority, which is the kiss of death… They're absolutely screwed up for life." He is critical of the upper classes, stating that they "parasite off the population as their friends help them along", but he equally criticises the working classes, claiming that "We're lazy, good-for-nothing bastards, absolute cop-outs [who] never accept responsibility for our own lives and that's why we'll always be downtrodden." He opposes all forms of segregation in schools, not only through the private and state school division, but also with single-sex schools; "It doesn't make sense. It's a much better environment with girls in the class. You learn a lot more, as diversity makes things more interesting."

He criticised the paramilitary organisations involved in the Northern Ireland conflict, remarking that both the Irish Republican Army and the Ulster Defence Association were "like two mafia gangs punching each other out… They both run their extortion rackets and plague people to no end." He remarked that "The Northern Ireland problem is a terrible thing, and it's only the ignorance of the people living outside of it that keeps it going", but that ultimately the British government's exploitative attitude to the problem was in his opinion the main cause.

Appearing on the BBC's Question Time on 5 July 2012, Lydon questioned the notion of a parliamentary inquiry into the banking industry, saying "How on earth is Parliament going to discuss this really when both sides, left and right, are connected to this? This doesn't just go back to Brown, this is part of the ongoing problem. Mr Diamond comes from Wall Street...hello. Both parties love this idea. They are fiddling with rates. They are affecting the world and everything we used to count on as being dependable and accurate is being discussed by these argumentative chaps. If I nick a motor I'm going to be up before the judge, the rozzers. Hello, same thing."

On the same episode of Question Time, Lydon was critical of the announcement that the Army was to be reduced in size, saying: "One of the most beautiful things about Britain, apart from the NHS (National Health Service) and the free education, is the British Army." He has been a supporter of the NHS since receiving treatment for meningitis aged 7, stating in 2014: "I want national health and education to always be of the highest agenda and I do not mind paying tax for that."

In a 1978 BBC Radio 1 interview, Lydon alluded to the sordid conduct by Jimmy Savile, as well as the suppression of negative information about Savile by mainstream social forces many decades in advance of it becoming a public scandal. Lydon stated: "I'd like to kill Jimmy Savile; I think he's a hypocrite. I bet he's into all kinds of seediness that we all know about, but are not allowed to talk about. I know some rumours." He added: "I bet none of this will be allowed out.

Le plus souvent avec

Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop
(5 films)
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Lech Kowalski
(1 films)
Julien Temple
Julien Temple
(2 films)
Billy Idol
Billy Idol
(4 films)
Sam Dunn
Sam Dunn
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de John Lydon (12 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Song to song, 2h9
Réalisé par Terrence Malick
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Musical, Romance
Thèmes Sexualité, Musique, LGBT, Lesbianisme
Acteurs Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, Michael Fassbender, Natalie Portman, Rooney Mara, Cate Blanchett
Rôle John Lydon
Note55% 2.797852.797852.797852.797852.79785
Deux histoires d'amour à Austin, au Texas, sur la scène musicale : celle de deux chanteurs, BV et Faye, puis celle d'un magnat de l'industrie musicale, Cook, et d'une serveuse, Rhonda. Un univers dans lequel ils voudront trouver le succès, au prix de la trahison.
Alice Cooper, monstrueusement rock !, 1h38
Réalisé par Sam Dunn, Scot McFadyen
Origine Canada
Genres Biographie, Documentaire, Musical
Thèmes La musique, Documentaire sur la musique
Acteurs Alice Cooper, Bob Ezrin, Elton John, John Lydon, Iggy Pop, Frank Zappa
Rôle Self (voice)
Note72% 3.639613.639613.639613.639613.63961
Propulsé au rang de superstar à la fin des années 1960, Vincent Damon Furnier, alias Alice Cooper, a connu dans les décennies suivantes une période de décadence et d'extravagances liée à un statut lourd à porter. Lors d'un concert, désormais devenu célèbre, l'artiste au boa constricteur s'en prendra notamment à un poulet – qui finira en charpie – jeté sur scène par un fan. L'équivalent, en quelque sorte, de la chauve-souris d'Ozzy Osbourne. Au travers d’images d'archives mémorables et la participation de guests d'exception comme Pamela Des Barres, Bob Ezrin, Elton John, Wayne Kramer, John Lydon, Iggy Pop, Dee Snider et Bernie Taupin, ce documentaire flamboyant retrace le parcours atypique d'un leader charismatique et scandaleux. Le film regorge d'interviews audio inédites du chanteur, ainsi que de son agent légendaire, Shep Gordon.
Une Éducation norvégienne, 1h27
Réalisé par Jens Lien
Genres Drame
Acteurs Sonja Richter, John Lydon, Trond Nilssen, Telly Savalas, Minken Fosheim
Rôle Johnny Rotten
Note64% 3.200663.200663.200663.200663.20066
En 1979, la vie de Nikolaj, 14 ans, est parfaitement heureuse à Rykkinn, en Norvège, entre son frère et ses parents hippies, Magnus et Lone. Mais tout est bouleversé quand Lone meurt brutalement dans un accident de voiture. La famille est totalement bouleversée. Le père et le fils réagissent chacun à sa façon. Tandis que Magnus fait une dépression, Nikolaj découvre, grâce à son meilleur ami, l'album «Never Mind the Bollocks» des Sex Pistols. Nikolaj pense alors faire de cette musique l'instrument de sa rébellion. Malheureusement, Magnus partage les mêmes goûts musicaux que lui. La relation entre le père et le fils évolue progressivement.
Ramones - End of the Century, 1h50
Réalisé par James Wallace Fields
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Documentaire, Musical
Thèmes La musique, Documentaire sur la musique, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Musique
Acteurs Rob Zombie, Conan O'Brien, Debbie Harry, Andy Richter, Rick Rubin, Andy Warhol
Rôle Self (archive footage)
Note78% 3.944063.944063.944063.944063.94406
En 1974, le milieu musical underground de New York reçoit une claque en découvrant un groupe de marginaux du Queens : les Ramones. En jouant dans des bars minables, ils ébranlent les fondations de l’univers musical de l’époque. Par la suite, ils parcourent le monde et créent un mouvement qui résonne sur deux générations. Sans battre des records de ventes, ce groupe punk légendaire a fait des tournées qui ont attiré les foules pendant 22 ans. Ce documentaire raconte leurs hauts et leurs bas.
L’Obscénité et la fureur, 1h47
Réalisé par Julien Temple
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Documentaire, Musical
Thèmes La musique, Documentaire sur la musique, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Musique
Acteurs John Lydon, David Bowie, Alice Cooper, Stewart Copeland, Bryan Ferry, Benny Hill
Rôle Self
Note75% 3.794743.794743.794743.794743.79474
Insultes, crachats, irreverence et violence, le groupe Sex Pistols est l'un des plus célebres représentants du mouvement punk londonien. La folle ascension de Johnny Rotten, Steve Jones, Glen Matlock, Sid Vicious et Paul Cook dans la deuxième moitié des années soixante-dix, période de grève et de misère pour la classe ouvrière de Grande-Bretagne, n'aura duré que l'espace de vingt-six mois et un seul album.
À couteau tiré, 1h57
Réalisé par Roberto Faenza
Origine Italie
Genres Thriller, Policier
Thèmes Sexualité, Bisexualité, Homosexualité, LGBT, LGBT
Acteurs Harvey Keitel, Sylvia Sidney, John Lydon, Leonard Mann, Nicole Garcia, Carla Romanelli
Rôle Leo Smith
Note55% 2.7559152.7559152.7559152.7559152.755915
Fred O'Connor et son collègue Bob, inspecteurs corrompus de la Brigade des Stupéfiants se sont payés un magnifique appartement. Mais un jeune homme mystérieux va remettre en question leurs habitudes bien rodées...
D.O.A.: A Rite of Passage, 1h35
Réalisé par Lech Kowalski
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Documentaire, Historique, Musical
Thèmes La musique, Documentaire sur la musique, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Musique
Acteurs John Lydon, Billy Idol
Rôle Lui-même
Note72% 3.624063.624063.624063.624063.62406
Documentaire retraçant l'ascension et la chute du mouvement punk avec de rares séquences d'interviews de Sid Vicious et Nancy Spungen. Également des images de concerts et d'actualités.
La Grande Escroquerie du Rock'n'roll, 1h43
Réalisé par Julien Temple
Origine Royaume-uni
Genres Comédie, Comédie musicale, Documentaire, Musical
Thèmes La musique, Documentaire sur la musique, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Musique
Acteurs John Lydon, Liz Fraser, Mary Millington, Irene Handl, James Aubrey, Johnny Shannon
Rôle The Collaborator
Note63% 3.1994653.1994653.1994653.1994653.199465
Un "documentaire" post-rupture des Sex Pistols plutôt incohérent, raconté du point de vue du manager des Pistols Malcolm McLaren, dont la position (discutable) est que les Sex Pistols en particulier et le punk rock en général étaient une arnaque élaborée perpétrée par lui dans l'ordre faire «un million de livres».