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Kirsten Heiberg est une Actrice Norvegienne née le 25 avril 1907 à Kragerø (Norvege)

Kirsten Heiberg

Kirsten Heiberg
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Nationalité Norvege
Naissance 25 avril 1907 à Kragerø (Norvege)
Mort 2 mars 1976 (à 68 ans) à Oslo (Norvege)

Kirsten Heiberg (25 April 1907 – 2 March 1976) was a Norwegian actress and singer who had a major film career in Germany between 1938 and 1954. She reached the peak of her career in 1942-43, performing in Joseph Goebbels‍ '​ version of Titanic. After the war she was given a two year ban by the Allies due to her role in the Nazi propaganda. In Norway she was never punished, as she was a German citizen.


Heiberg grew up in the towns Kragerø, Kongsberg and Oslo, and studied in Lausanne, Dijon and Paris. Later, she studied English in Oxford, England.

She made her debut at Den Nationale Scene in Bergen in 1929, and in the 1930s at the Carl Johan-Teatret and Scala Revyteater in Oslo. Kirsten Heiberg also performed in several Norwegian and Swedish films in the early 1930s and had her breakthrough in the comedy Han, hon och pengarna ("He, she and the money") in 1936. After guest appearances in the operetta revue "Pam-Pam" at Theater an der Wien in 1937, she began a career in Germany both as a film actress and recording artist. She became a significant actress in the German film industry and The Third Reich's femme fatale - the "new Marlene Dietrich". In Vienna, she met the composer Franz Grothe, who was a member of the NSDAP They married in Oslo in 1938 and moved to Berlin.

Kirsten Heiberg made her German film debut in Curt Goetz' Napoleon ist an allem Schuld, and a row of films followed, among others: Frauen für Golden Hill (1938), Achtung! Feind hört mit! (1940) and Titanic (1942-43).

Kirsten Heiberg was also very active in the German welfare for the troops (Truppenbetreuung), traveling around the country, also abroad, singing for the German soldiers.

Kirsten Heiberg claimed after the war that she was black listed by German Nazi authorities for not joining the NSDAP, and that she spent two years without work. However, there is no evidence in German archive sources to prove this. On the contrary, Kirsten Heiberg's name can be found on the salary lists of the German film industry every year from April 1940, when she got her Reichsfilmkammer membership, until 1945. Kirsten Heiberg was also, since April 1939, a member of the Kameradschaft der deutschen Künstler, an organisation for artists founded by the SS member Benno von Arent in 1933. Both Goebbels and Hermann Göring were honorable members.

Kirsten Heiberg continued to act in the German Nazi propaganda until she left Berlin with her husband Franz Grothe at the end of April 1945.

In 1946 she dubbed Marlene Dietrich in the German version of the French picture Martin Roumaniac.

After World War II
Back in Norway after the war, she met great difficulty in finding roles due to her time in Germany during the war. However, she was not arrested by the Norwegians since she still was a German citizen, her marriage with Franz Grothe having not been formally annulled. In Germany, she was seen in four films after the war. In Trondheim, she got an engagement as a resident at Trøndelag Teater 1952–60, acting in operettas, comedies, and serious classics and modern dramas. She also sporadically appeared at the Oslo scene in the 1960s and 70s, but she faced a boycott in Oslo, and never again was given a steady job at any theatre or film company.

She was the sister of actress Else Heiberg.

Le plus souvent avec

Curt Goetz
Curt Goetz
(1 films)
Franz Grothe
Franz Grothe
(3 films)
Jack Trevor
Jack Trevor
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Kirsten Heiberg (9 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Titanic (1943)
, 1h25
Réalisé par Herbert Selpin, Werner Klingler
Origine Allemagne
Genres Drame, Action, Historique
Thèmes La fin du monde, La mer, Politique, Transport, Le Titanic, Documentaire sur la guerre, Documentaire historique, Politique, Documentaire sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Film catastrophe, Catastrophe navale
Acteurs Sybille Schmitz, Hans Nielsen, Kirsten Heiberg, Otto Wernicke, Franz Schafheitlin, Ernst Fritz Fürbringer
Rôle Gloria
Note60% 3.049153.049153.049153.049153.04915
La White Star Line, compagnie maritime britannique, connaît de graves soucis financiers à cause de la construction de son dernier navire, le Titanic. Pour garantir des profits conséquents, son président, Bruce Ismay, décide de lancer le navire à toute vitesse dans l'Atlantique Nord pour lui faire remporter le Ruban bleu au mépris de la sécurité des passagers. Il fait donc pression sur le capitaine pour l'inciter à augmenter la vitesse du paquebot. Seul le premier officier Petersen, un Allemand, critique ouvertement cette idée.
Napoleon ist an allem schuld, 1h33
Réalisé par Curt Goetz
Origine Allemagne
Genres Drame, Comédie
Acteurs Else von Möllendorff, Curt Goetz, Paul Henckels, Eduard von Winterstein, Rudolf Schündler, Kirsten Heiberg
Rôle Fifi
Note71% 3.568773.568773.568773.568773.56877
Lord Arthur Cavershoot consacre sa vie avec un dévouement complet à ses travaux sur Napoléon Bonaparte. Mais il ne néglige pas son épouse qui porte justement le nom de Josephine. Lorsque Cavershoot se rend à Paris pour assister à une conférence de spécialistes de Napoléon, il fait la connaissance de Madeleine, une jeune danseuse. À cause d'une série de circonstances malheureuses, le Daily Mail publie une photo où ils sont tous les deux et titre "Lord Cavershoot montre sa charmante fille de la nuit parisienne". Pour échapper à la colère de sa femme et éviter la suspicion de l'infidélité, Cavershoot présente la jeune femme en Angleterre comme sa fille illégitime. Mais contrairement à ce qu'il pensait, Lady Cavershoot accueille Madeleine cordialement, ce qui ne lui plaît pas du tout. En fin de compte, l'amateur de Napoléon connaît son Waterloo et va avec Josephine à Paris afin d'adopter réellement Madeleine comme leur fille.