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Özge Özberk est une Actrice Turque née le 13 aout 1976

Özge Özberk

Özge Özberk
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Nationalité Turquie
Naissance 13 aout 1976 (48 ans)

Özge Özberk, né le 3 août 1976, est une actrice turque.

Le plus souvent avec

Cem Yılmaz
Cem Yılmaz
(2 films)
Ezel Akay
Ezel Akay
(1 films)
Özkan Uğur
Özkan Uğur
(2 films)
Ozan Güven
Ozan Güven
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Özge Özberk (5 films)

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120 (2008)
, 2h
Genres Drame, Guerre, Historique
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs Cansel Elçin, Özge Özberk
Rôle Münire
Note71% 3.59623.59623.59623.59623.5962
During the Battle of Sarikamish, the Ottoman army runs out of ammunition and appeals for help to the people of Van, who happen to have supplies. However, the First World War is on and all the men are fighting at the four corners of the empire and therefore can not respond to the appeal. The young children of Van want to do something and when the Principal of a school, who has lost a son in the war, suggests that they transport ammunition, 120 young boys aged 12 to 17 volunteer and take to the road. The movie tells the true story of the 120 boys and their sisters and mothers left behind, who wait for their return.
A.R.O.G. (2008)
, 2h8
Réalisé par Cem Yılmaz
Genres Science-fiction, Comédie, Fantasy
Acteurs Cem Yılmaz, Özge Özberk, Zafer Algöz, Özkan Uğur, Ozan Güven
Rôle Ceku
Note73% 3.698733.698733.698733.698733.69873
Arif settles back on earth with Ceku after saving the planet GORA. However, his defeated archenemy Commander Logar has followed him and is intent on getting his revenge. He tricks Arif into a time machine and sends him back 1 million years into the past. After a series of adventures including an encounter with a T-Rex, Arif stumbles upon a settlement of cavemen. Arif tries to teach them about modern technology, but it appears that they are being oppressed by a rival tribe and their leader Kaaya. Kaaya tricks Arif into a do-or-die football-like game that is heavily stacked against them. However, Arif uses his wits to defeat Kaaya's team and win the game for his fledgling team. Commander Logar who warps into the past is left stranded there and Arif and Ceku live happily ever after.
Mon père et mon fils, 1h48
Réalisé par Çağan Irmak
Genres Drame, Comédie
Acteurs Çetin Tekindor, Mehmet Fikret Kuşkan, Binnur Kaya, Hümeyra, Özge Özberk, Tuba Büyüküstün
Rôle Birgül
Note81% 4.0987454.0987454.0987454.0987454.098745
Ayant perdu sa mère en 1980, Deniz part sept ans plus tard dans un village de la région égéenne, rejoindre son grand-père qu'il n'a jamais vu et qui est en conflit avec son fils Sadik, le père de Deniz. Hüseyin, le grand-père, avait en effet jadis renié son fils Sadik qui avait préféré devenir militant politique plutôt que d'assurer la succession de son père à la ferme. Tandis que Deniz intègre un environnement chaleureux, entouré de sa famille paternelle, Sadik, lui, se retrouve dans des règlements de compte avec les personnes qu'il a blessées, mais aussi avec lui-même...
G.O.R.A (2004)
, 2h3
Origine Turquie
Genres Science-fiction, Comédie, Aventure
Thèmes L'espace, Comédie de science-fiction, Space opera
Acteurs Cem Yılmaz, Özge Özberk, Şafak Sezer, İdil Fırat, Naz Elmas, Özkan Uğur
Rôle la princesse Ceku
Note79% 3.998253.998253.998253.998253.99825
Arif est un personnage à multiples facettes. Il est vendeur de tapis en Cappadoce, guide touristique quand il le faut, et à l'occasion, vendeur de photos d'Ovni qu'il bricole lui-même...
Neredesin Firuze, 2h
Réalisé par Ezel Akay
Genres Drame, Comédie, Musical
Thèmes Musique
Acteurs Haluk Bilginer, Demet Akbağ, Şebnem Dönmez, Ata Demirer, Emre Altug, Ahu Türkpençe
Rôle Model
Note73% 3.6982853.6982853.6982853.6982853.698285
Hayri and Orhan, who run the Umut Müzik label, are two unsuccessful producers and when their latest artist Hamit Hayran fails, they are left heavily in debt. They pin their hopes on a singer from the Turkish community in Germany called Ferhat Can. Ferhat enthusiastically arrives in Turkey and falls in love with a model Melek who he first sees on a billboard.