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Tony Leech est un Acteur, Réalisateur, Scénariste et Monteur Américain né le 28 mai 1968 à Southfield (Etats-Unis)

Tony Leech

Tony Leech
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Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 28 mai 1968 (56 ans) à Southfield (Etats-Unis)

Tony Leech is an American director, screenwriter and actor. Born in Southfield, Michigan on May 28, 1968, he currently lives in Los Angeles. Tony attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. While a student there, Leech and fellow ORU student Mark Steele (comedian/producer), along with some friends, wrote and performed a sketch comedy show called Standing Room Only, or SRO. Leech acted, wrote, directed, and edited for the Fire By Nite Christian variety show that was based at Willie George Ministries in Tulsa. He also worked on projects with Teen Mania Ministries, then based in Tulsa and headed by ORU-alumnus Ron Luce.

Tony acted in the 1990 music video/short film Beyond Belief by the Christian rock band Petra. He was a writer for the Christian variety show Carman: Time 2 hosted by singer Carman (singer). In 1999, Leech acted in 3 feature films, Pit of Vipers, Holy Hollywood (along with Mickey Rooney and Camille Keaton) and Chillicothe where he also served as first assistant director.

Leech later served as co-writer, co-director, and editor for the animated 2005 film Hoodwinked!, in conjunction with friends Cory Edwards and Todd Edwards and released by The Weinstein Company. In 2006, he created and sold the animated project Escape from Planet Earth — a story about a group of aliens from around the universe who attempt a prison break from Area 51 — to The Weinstein Company. He then collaborated with the Edwards brothers again to write Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil, the 2011 sequel to Hoodwinked!.

Leech has also written, directed and edited a number of short films, including "Gene," an official selection of the 2010 Woodstock Film Festival, and "Exit Interview," winner of Chapter 7 for Canon & Vimeo's "The Story Beyond the Still" contest. Several of Leech's short films can be seen on Vimeo.

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Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Tony Leech (5 films)

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Beyond Belief, 50minutes
Réalisé par Beth Murphy
Genres Documentaire
Thèmes La musique, Musique
Acteurs Tony Leech
Rôle Chad Warren
Note73% 3.6587953.6587953.6587953.6587953.658795
The film follows Chad Warren (Tony Leech), a young senior at high school, that must face the illness of his brother, David (Jason Rogers) during the summer.
The Gunslinger
Acteurs Tony Leech
Rôle Charlie White Bear

Two years ago, Robert "Wichita Slim" Owens was released from prison after serving time for bank robbery in Dry Gulch. During his sentence, Owens accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, remaining on "the right side of the law" ever since. On his way to be awarded a position with the United States Marshal Service, "Slim" (as many call him) crosses paths with his former outlaw partner Dawson McClure, now heading a new gang of his own. Escorting a preacher and his family to Dry Gulch, Owens is made a U.S. Marshal, only for the ceremony to be interrupted by McClure's gang. Hit from behind after a confrontation with hotshot gunman "Lightning" Johnny Silvers, Slim begins suffering from amnesia, and returns to his outlaw ways. Made a Territorial Ranger by the Governor, "Gospel Bill" is granted 15 days to bring Owens back...dead or alive.



Les Zévadés de l'espace, 1h29
Origine Canada
Genres Science-fiction, Comédie, Fantasy, Aventure, Animation
Thèmes Comédie de science-fiction, Films pour enfants, Extraterrestre
Acteurs Rob Corddry, Brendan Fraser, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jessica Alba, Kaitlin Olson, William Shatner
Rôle Créateur d'histoire originale
Note57% 2.8991852.8991852.8991852.8991852.899185
Scorch Supernova, explorateur spatial originaire de la planète Baab, voit ses exploits retransmis dans toute la galaxie. Avec l'aide de son frère Gary, génie travaillant comme chef de mission à la BASA, il est devenu une légende. Lorsque Lena, directrice de la BASA, intercepte un signal de détresse provenant de la Planète Sombre, connue pour sa dangerosité, Scorch refuse de laisser passer ce qui pourrait être le plus grand exploit de la carrière : une mission de sauvetage sur la planète la plus périlleuse de l'univers.
La Vengeance du Petit Chaperon rouge, 1h26
Réalisé par Mike Disa
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Animation
Thèmes Mise en scène d'un animal, La famille, Magie, Film d'animation mettant en scène un animal, Mise en scène d'un loup, Films pour enfants, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Acteurs Hayden Panettiere, Glenn Close, Martin Short, Patrick Warburton, Joan Cusack, Bill Hader
Rôle Histoire
Note47% 2.358542.358542.358542.358542.35854
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, Loup et Mère-Grand Puckett sont employés par Nicky Flippers, qui a créé et dirige désormais une agence d'espionnage ultra moderne nommée « Ils vécurent Heureux » (VO : Happily Ever After Agency). Leur mission est de délivrer Hansel et Gretel qui ont été kidnappés par une méchante sorcière. La narration fait des clins d'œil à Mission impossible. Mais il se peut que les deux enfants ne soient pas si gentils que ça, et que la sorcière maléfique soit plus sympathique que prévu...
