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Горе на черешата est un film de genre Drame avec Konstantin Kotsev

Горе на черешата (1984)

Горе на черешата
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Durée 1h30
Genres Drame
Note77% 3.8754353.8754353.8754353.8754353.875435

On the Top of the Cherry Tree (Bulgarian: Горе на черешата / Gore na chereshata) is a Bulgarian comedy-drama film released in 1984, directed by Mariana Evstatieva — Biolcheva, starring Veselin Prahov, Todor Trankarov, Konstantin Kotsev and Anton Gorchev.

The movie is in the scope of the so-called “Childhood genre”, featuring children in the main parts. In some way it is a sequel of A Dog in a Drawer released two years earlier, both films written by Rada Moskova and starring the child actor Veselin Prahov. The main characters are again urban kids and teenagers with busy parents. They wander in the neighborhood in search of stories, usually using their unadulterated imagination. On the Top of the Cherry Tree strengthened Prahov's status as a superstar of the Bulgarian cinema from the 1980s. The movie became one of the hits of that time.


Konstantin Kotsev

Anton Gorchev

(Bashtata na Toni)
Bande annonce de Горе на черешата

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Source : Wikidata


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