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Ying Zhao Tang Lang est un film de genre Drame avec Chi Kuan-chun

Ying Zhao Tang Lang (1977)

Ying Zhao Tang Lang
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Genres Drame,    Action
Themes Sport,    Arts martiaux,    Kung-fu
Note61% 3.0528553.0528553.0528553.0528553.052855

For the ride, visit Eagle's Claw (Lightwater Valley).

Eagle’s Claw (also known as Eagle Fist, Mandarin title Ying zhao tang lang , Cantonese title Ying chau tong long) is a 1978 martial arts film directed by Lee Tso Nam, starring Wong Tao, Chang Yi and Chi Kwan Chun.


The mainly evil Mantis Fist school and the righteous Eagle Claw have fought out a bitter rivalry over many years. The culmination in this progressive clash is the death of the Eagle's Claw school master due to a severe beating by his savage, eccentric rival. With the school now in turmoil, the dying master leaves the responsibilities of his legacy to his second most senior pupil (Wong Tao) while ignoring the quietly seething senior student (Chi Kwan Chun). The forgotten man cannot contain his rage for long though and storms off to the Mantis Fist school out of spite. While at his new school, the senior student begins to attract the attention of his new master's daughter and makes strong progress in the Mantis Fist school.


Chi Kuan-chun

(Chen Tien Chun)
Bryan Leung

(Liang Wing-Jen)
Chang Yi

(Chow Ma Wu)
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Source : Wikidata


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The Iron Monkey, 1h35
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