Sena is a 2003 Tamil crime film directed by Sujeeth. The film features Sathyaraj, Aravind Akash and Akshara in lead roles. The film, produced by P. Suneetha Anandakumar, had musical score by D. Imman and was released on 12 April 2003.Synopsis
There is a war between Mastan Bhai's gang and Naaga's gang. Sena (Sathyaraj) is a local rowdy who works for Mastan Bhai (Anandaraj). Naaga (Vagai Chandrasekhar), the former right-hand of Mastan Bhai, tries to kill him. Sena has a little brother called Vikram (Aravind Akash) who hates rowdyism. Vikram loves Janu, sister of a police officer, Sathya. Sathya is killed by Naaga's henchmen and Vikram wants to punish the culprit.