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வை ராஜா வை est un film de genre Thriller réalisé par Aishwarya R. Dhanush avec Gautham Karthik

வை ராஜா வை (2015)

வை ராஜா வை
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Durée 2h5
Réalisé par
Genres Thriller,    Comédie romantique,    Horreur,    Romance
Themes La mer,    Transport
Note56% 2.805682.805682.805682.805682.80568

Vai Raja Vai (English: Place it, king, place it) is a 2015 Indian Tamil psychological thriller film written and directed by Aishwarya Dhanush, starring Gautham Karthik, Priya Anand, Vivek, Taapsee Pannu, Gayathri Raguram and Daniel Balaji. Filming commenced on 12 September 2013. The film, featuring a musical score from Yuvan Shankar Raja, released on 1 May 2015 to mixed reviews.


Karthik (Gautham Karthik) is a middle-class boy who works at an IT company, gifted with an extrasensory perception. He has a girlfriend, Priya (Priya Anand). During school days, he scores good in the exams using his power, so his father asks him suppress this power and forget its existence. Then, he meets Pandian aka Panda (Vivek) at his office and befriends with him. Panda, who is a gambler, gets to know about Karthik's power and asks him to play cricket gambling by using his power. Rande (Daniel Balaji) is in charge of the cricket gambling under an unknown man known as Kumar. Karthick wins 1 crore in the gambling and uses 10 lakhs for his elder sister Gayathri's (Gayathri Raguram) marriage. Panda , Karthick and Sathish goes on a vacation to Goa to spend the gambling money. There Rande threatens Karthick to play Roulette in the Casino Royale ship. Initially Karthick hesitates but Rande threatens him by kidnapping Priya. Karthick accepts to play. By this incident Priya comes to know about Karthick's power.To train Karthick, Shreya (Taapsee Pannu) comes to help. Karthick plays the game and tricks Rande to take his place in gambling . The officials of the casino suspect Rande and arrest him . Karthick, with his money won in the gambling with Panda, Sathish and Priya, escape and go back home. Shreya helps Rande to escape from guards by the saying of Kumar. Rande traces Karthick and takes him to his place. There Karthick using his power to fight Rande's sidekicks and threatens Rande with his own gun. At that time a Rolls-Royce Phantom comes and is revealed that the unknown man Kumar is Kokki Kumar(Dhanush) and ask Karthik to play for him in Politics.


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Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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Il y a 264 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 1 films avec le même réalisateur, 39275 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques (dont 6 ayant exactement les mêmes 4 genres que வை ராஜா வை), 6889 films qui ont les mêmes thèmes (dont 3827 films qui ont les mêmes 2 thèmes que வை ராஜா வை), pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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