A New Love Ishtory is a 2013 Bollywood comedy film written by Vipul K Rawal and directed by John Matthew Matthan. The film will star Himesh Reshammiya, Niharika Singh, and Rakesh Bapat. It released on 29 September 2013 in India only.Synopsis
Sukku (Himesh Reshammiya) is an unemployed stuntman that was once forced to sell his sperm for money. Now he's faced with the appearance of a daughter from that donation, who tracked him down after bribing a ward boy. Initially unwilling to get to know her, Sukku and his daughter begin to bond- much to the chagrin of her wealthy mother, who wants nothing to do with men. Sukku and his daughter must now find a way to convince her mother that they are indeed a family and that not all men are bad.