Alphabet City is a 1984 crime drama film directed by Amos Poe. The story follows a young gangster of Italian descent named Johnny, who has been given control over his own neighborhood by the Mob. Then unknown actors Vincent Spano (as Johnny), Jami Gertz, and Michael Winslow give compelling performances in this low-budget crime/drama/thriller. Acclaimed film and stage actress Zohra Lampert plays Johnny's mother. The film is set in Alphabet City, a part of the East Village in New York City.Synopsis
Sous la protection de la mafia, Johnny regne sur Alphabet City, le quartier de New York ou le marche de la drogue et des prostituees est le plus lucratif. Le jour ou on lui ordonne de bruler l'immeuble ou vivent sa mere et sa soeur, Johnny choisit de fuir la ville et la puissante mafia.