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Amor & Cia. est un film brésilien de genre Comédie avec Marco Nanini

Amor & Cia. (1998)

Amor & Cia.
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Durée 1h40
Genres Comédie
Note66% 3.3286853.3286853.3286853.3286853.328685

Love and Co (Portuguese: Amor & Cia) is a 1998 Brazilian-Portuguese comedy-drama film directed by Helvécio Ratton. Based on Eça de Queiroz's novel Alves & Cia, it stars Marco Nanini, Patricia Pillar and Alexandre Borges. Shot in São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais and set in the 19th century, it follows Alves (Nanini) as he finds his wife Ludovina (Pillar) with Machado (Borges), and challenges him for a gun duel.

^ Couto, José Geraldo (November 6, 1998). "Amor & Cia.' traduz em cinema ironia de Eça". Folha de S. Paulo. Grupo Folha. Retrieved March 1, 2014.

^ "Amor & Cia" (in Portuguese). Amor & Cia official website. Archived from the original on April 27, 1999. Retrieved March 4, 2014.

^ Jansen, Roberta. "Novela de Eça de Queirós na telona". Diário de Cuiabá (in Portuguese). Archived from the original on March 4, 2014. Retrieved March 4, 2014.

^ "Love and Co". Love and Co official website. Archived from the original on February 25, 1999. Retrieved March 4, 2014.

^ "Latin America Film Festival September 18–28". AFI Preview (American Film Institute) 1 (5): 5. Archived from the original on January 11, 2007. Retrieved March 4, 2014.


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