Amy George is a 2011 Canadian microbudget film written, produced and directed by Yonah Lewis and Calvin Thomas. It stars Gabriel del Castillo Mullally as the adolescent Jesse and Claudia Dey and Don Kerr as his parents. The film tells the story of the 13-year-old Jesse who wants to be an artist, but believes that his mundane middle class life has left him unprepared. After reading a book on what it takes to be a "true-artist", he sets out looking for risk, ecstasy, wildness and women.
It premiered at the Wisconsin Film Festival on April 3, 2011 and had its Canadian premiere in the Canada First! section of the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival.Synopsis
Jesse, 13 ans, veut devenir artiste, mais croit que sa vie mondaine de classe moyenne à Toronto ne l'a pas préparé. Après avoir lu un livre sur ce qu'il faut pour être un "véritable artiste", il part à la recherche du risque, de l'extase, de la sauvagerie et des femmes.